Thursday, February 25

HUGE SALE comin' your WAY!!!

If you're NOT on our email list'll want to go to our site to SIGN UP for our newsletter!!! Then you won't MISS OUT on all the details of our upcoming sale! Whooohooooo....
SAVINGS of 50-60% and MORE off of Fancy Pants product.....can't wait!!!

Wednesday, February 24


I just needed everyone to know that Kristine Davidson did a MAKE OVER to our blog and I completely LOVE it!!! The "after" is much more clean, fresh and eye catching then the "before". Thanks SO much Kristine...such a talented woman you are!!!!!

Monday, February 22

Jamie Harder's take on our "Moments" kit!

WOW! All I can say is WOW!!! How FUN was it to give our designers each a "Moments" kit and say "Go for it!". These ladies are amazing...the outcomes were VASTLY DIFFERENT but all so BEAUTIFUL!!!! Thanks a BUNCH ladies! Way to go...

Here's Jamie Harder's TAKE:

See the posts below for Kristine and Jill's layouts!

Jill Sarginson's take!

Kristine Davidson's take!

Friday, February 19


Due to the overwhelming response of our customers...we are going to do a HUGE BLOW OUT SALE as soon as we can get the Fancy Pants product in our hot little hands!!! Sooooo...excited :)
I also received an amazing email today....and I'm just about bursting...but I can't leak the info until it's a SURE THING!!! When I KNOW that it's a go...then the details will follow.....

Wednesday, February 17

It's the little things...

Yesterday I was tired. As much as I hate the concept of "the Bachelor", and don't understand why on EARTH you'd put yourself out there like that (with 24 other desperate women)....I just HAD to stay up until 1 a.m. to see who was eliminated. Pathetic, I know. So Tuesday morning, coffee wasn't even was necessary, and as I made my way down to my office and was surprised to see a sign taped to my computer screen. It said:
Have an AWESOME day mom. SELL THOSE KITS! LOVE YA! Bryn (hand drawn heart next to her name).
I don't know if it was the encouraging message, or knowing that my daughter was thinking of me or realizing that she's still a very compassionate and loving girl at the (sometimes awkward and challenging) age of 13. It just made me realize that maybe I don't need to fear the teenage years or think too far ahead. Maybe we'll just take it one step at a time. And hopefully, if you know you're loved and valued and you get your worth from what's inside and not your outward beauty and talents...then hopefully I will NEVER EVER see YOU on an episode of "the Bachelor". Lol...

Saturday, February 13

It was definitely worth it!!!

It's not always easy to step away from your life for 24 hours. By the time I found a place that Rylan could sleep on Friday night so that Jordan could go to a lacrosse game, packed Rylan's bags, figured out Bryn's babysitting schedule, bought gifts for Addi's 2 parties, helped Addi pack for her sleepover, find a ride back and forth TO the sleepover, find a ride to the Saturday night party, make sure the litter was clean and the cats were taken care of as well as ensuring that there was food in the house that the kids could prepare.....WHEW....I was exhausted!
BUT...after arriving at our destination and having time to rest, reflect and relax....I realized that all the effort was truly worthwhile. Life can often feel like a balancing act....a constant struggle to balance my priorities. To put all this aside and focus on myself can seem selfish, unnessary and sometimes down right hard.
I guess I just want to remind find time to be still....stop striving and working and enjoy the peace and matter how hard it is to get there!

Thursday, February 11

SEVEN is the PERFECT number!!!

What more could I ask for? A (now complete) Design Team made up of six wonderful ladies from six different provinces across our fair land. As a BONUS, we've added a scrapper from Michigan too! Seven in total...and as my pastoral husband reminded me....7 IS the PERFECT number! So there you have it!!! I can't WAIT to see what the first team doesn't with their first 2 page layout project :)

Tuesday, February 9

Wish I could turn my brain OFF!

So, it's almost midnight and I've just completed a project for a future Ninabrook kit! I feel like I could scrap ALL NIGHT...but in return, I'd be a grumpy, short-tempered wife and mother in the morning. It stinks that my best work is done at NIGHT....especially when I'm TRYING to become a morning person. So is it possible to turn yourself around...or am I forever going to be a frustrated night hawk??? I need help. Hello, my name is Sharon and I am a nighthawk.

Monday, February 8

2 more AMAZING scrappers added to the DT!!!

I'm so happy about our new DT...I could just about BUST!!! Please let me introduce you to 2 more fabulous talents that have just joined our team ....

Vanessa Rupp Hayden

and Cari Locken

Still looking for one more woman to complete the team...

Friday, February 5


I owe a BIG THANKS to Kristine Davidson, who was the very first person to jump onboard our DESIGN TEAM and help me sort through this new world of blogging! I'm a complete NEWBIE at I've appreciate all her help and advice!!!
We have found our first 3 ladies and WOW are they talented! I can't wait to see THEIR TAKES on OUR KITS!!! Please check out their'll be blown away and completely INSPIRED by their talent!!!

Kristine Davidson

Jamie Harder

Jill Sarginson

Wednesday, February 3

Sooooo much to learn about this blogging's making me feel old and "out of the loop"! Definitely feeling "blogged down" today :P

Monday, February 1


This year CHA was SO inspiring! The layouts and projects on display were some of the nicest we've ever seen!! My creativity level is at a 10 right now and if I don't design something soon, I feel like I might just EXPLODE!!! Maybe I should grab my bucket of scraps and make a card or something :)